Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 2:1-12 Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Ringkasan: It all started a very long time ago. The Three Wiseman saw a bright new star in the sky. They were very curious about it. “Perhaps it means a royal birth,” they said. “Could it be that the King of the Jews has come?” they talked about it …
Bahan Alkitab: Mat 2:1-12 Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Ringkasan: Points of Learning: I. Cognitive: Kingdom of God has come for the gentiles too. Led by a star from God, the Wise Men came to worship Him. They also give gifts. Affective: Children thank God for calling them to be His children too. Psychomotor: Children share what gifts …
Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 2 Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Ringkasan: Tuhan memberi tanda kepada gembala-gembala akan kelahiran Yesus Kristus. Malaikat memberi tahu “Inilah tandanya bagimu. Bayi dibungkus dgn lampin dan terbaring di palungan.” Banyak bayi yg dibungkus lampin tapi hanya ada satu bayi yg ditaro di palungan. Itulah bayi Yesus. Palungan adalah tanda yang Tuhan beri kepada gembala-gembala. …
Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Activity: Print the activity and cut along the dotted lines. Arrange the pieces to make a complete puzzle and glue the puzzle onto a piece of paper. Bahan Tambahan: Wisemen-1.pdf Guru: Elizabeth
Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Activity: Print out the activity and cut along the dotted lines. Arrange the pieces to make a complete puzzle and glue them onto paper. Bahan Tambahan: Wisemen.pdf Guru: Elizabeth
Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Activity: Colour the three wise men, baby Jesus and the star picture. Bahan Tambahan: 2A5B5208-207A-4956-ABF1-6F192A87760C.png Guru: Maria Widjaja
Bahan Alkitab: Lukas 2:1-20 Tanggal: 20/12/2020 Ringkasan: Dear Parents Ini ringkasan minggu lalu (20 Des 2020) Bahan Alkitab : Luk 2 : 1 – 20 Menyambung minggu sebelumnya bahwa Maria telah di beritahukan sebelumnya oleh malaikat bahwa dia akan melahirkan anak yang di kandung oleh Roh kudus. Saat Maria sudah mendekati masa kelahiran, Kaisar Agustus …
Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 2:1-12 Tanggal: 27/12/2020 Ringkasan: Lesson Focus: 1. All the promises about the coming of Saviour were fulfilled when Jesus was born. This indicates that Jesus is not the same as any other baby, but He is the promised Saviour, the King of kings. 2. The wise men brought rich gifts, i.e. gold, …